Greeneville High School Past Governor's Scholarship: Ainsley Freeman with her parents, Rodney and Michelle Freeman.
Chuckey Doak student, Hannah Lovergine with her parents, Kelly and Joseph Lovergine.
Greeneville High School student Abbigail Renner with her mother, Andrea Renner.
North Greene student Seth Pierce with his parents, Nikki and Chad Pierce.
South Greene student Kallie Renner with her parents, Marty and Stephanie Renner.
West Greene student Aubrey Horner with her parents, Scott and Angie Horner.
Pictured L-R are: Roy Pollitt, TN Territory Mgr; Stu Weaver, TN Deputy Supreme Governor; Bruce Berger, Supreme Governor, and Doug Mann, TN Deputy Supreme Governor
Supreme Governor Bruce Berger was presented with a $250 donation that was made on his behalf to the Moose Activities Committee by Brandon Chapman, Lodge 692 Governor.
WOTM #1598 made a $150 donation to our local Boy Scouts Troop 92 in Berger's honor. Pictured are Bruce Berger, Calvin Shepherd on behalf of BSA #92, and Senior Regent Terrie Grubbs
Bruce Burger, Supreme Governor and Patsy Laws WOTM 1598 Co-worker
From the Edge band entertained us for our Christmas Dance following dinner on the night of the Supreme Governor's visit.
Alex working the bar while our Christmas Dance band, From the Edge entertained us that evening.
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